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Kafka Summit Austin 2020 is Going Virtual

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As you know, we were looking forward to welcoming the Apache Kafka® community to Austin, TX, for Kafka Summit in August. Meeting together in person is always the best way to go, and no global pandemic will ever convince us otherwise. But even as much as we believe that, we prioritize your safety and the safety of our broader communities more highly, so we have concluded that our best course of action for our attendees, sponsors, and the community at large is to transform Kafka Summit Austin into a virtual experience for this year.

So rather than be disappointed that we won’t get to see each other in person, we are now excited that we can invite the global Kafka community to our online event, Kafka Summit 2020: Event Streaming Everywhere.

In the next few weeks, we will share with you how the newly designed Kafka Summit 2020 will showcase Kafka, event streaming, and the related technologies at their best. The online event will bring together the developers, data architects, engineers, and DevOps professionals from around the globe who stand at the forefront of event streaming platforms to share best practices and discuss the future of Kafka.

Kafka Summit: Event Streaming Everywhere is free, so we are working on getting refunds issued to everyone who has already paid for a ticket to the in-person event. And if you want to speak at Summit, the CFP is open until May 17th, so submit your abstracts now! We are working to make the speaking experience at the online Summit just as pleasant as the in-person event has been for the past four years.

We will be releasing more information about the virtual experience soon, and we look forward to seeing you all—or at least the webcam versions of you—on August 24th–25th. In the meantime, sign up for updates to be the first to know when registration opens.

Kafka Summit 2020: Event Streaming Everywhere

  • Tim Berglund est à la fois enseignant, auteur et responsable de l’équipe Developer Relations chez StarTree. Il intervient fréquemment dans le cadre de conférences aux États-Unis et dans le monde entier. Il coprésente des vidéos de formation pour O'Reilly, où il aborde une grande variété de sujets allant de Git aux systèmes distribués. Il est également l'auteur d'un ouvrage intitulé « Gradle Beyond the Basics ». Il tweete sous le nom de @tlberglund, publie occasionnellement des articles sur le blog et co-anime le podcast Il vit dans le Colorado, à Littleton, avec son amour de jeunesse et leur dernier enfant, les deux premiers étant maintenant adultes.

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